Dad! I'm going to reply to yours and mom’s email in this one
email so get ready it’s going to be lengthy.
I am in a city called Bacoor, it is east of Cavite city. It
is extremely polluted and pretty filthy, but its my home right now! It’s usually
very hot and humid too and these are the cold months. Boy am I in for it. Way
too many people live here than should so it is totally packed and crowded and
crazy! There are many poor families but also many wealthy ones too. Bacoor's
economy is pretty much centered around a mall called SM City which is in the
center of the city. It’s a huge 6 story shopping mall and there’s about 40 of
them in the Philippines. It’s probably what contributes to most of the
pollution in the city.
Bacoor City
I kind of gave you a brief review of my work last week and I
will do the same this week but include a little bit more!
Last Monday after I emailed you, we went to a family home
evening at a member's house. We had a lesson and played games and ate pancit
(noodles and chicken and vegetables, delicious) and it was a lot of fun. even
though it was mostly in Tagalog. On Tuesday, we had our morning schedule (8-12,
personal study, companionship study, language study and new missionary study)
and then went out! We took a jeepney and a tricycle to a chapel on the other
side of town where we had a district meeting with all the Missionaries in the Bacoor
district. There were 4 companionships including mine, and one other American
who had been here for 7 months and was fluent in Tagalog. We had a little
meeting and then ate lunch at Jollibee which is like the Philippines’ McDonalds
that serves pork hamburgers instead of beef becausue Filipino’s seem to like
pork better. After that, me and Elder Zacarias, my companion, who is from
Leyte, another island in the Philippines and has been out for about 8 months,
had an appointment at a members house where we taught this member’s nanny/maid
named Mary Rose who is a very good progressing investigator. After we taught
her the member, Nanay Lopez (Nanay means mother and is what you call older
women), fed us adobo which is chicken cooked in soy sauce and vinegar with rice
and is very good. After that, we had a couple more lessons before we got home.
Most days are pretty much like this..We get fed usually everyday, a lot of food!
They're trying to fatten me up. I will share one more story because it is my

Elder Lasley and Elder Zacarias
Elder Lasley
We were proselyting in a poorer area of town where all the
houses are made of sheet metal and have mostly dirt floors and are not much
bigger than my room. We found a Nanay doing laundry outside so we talked to
her. Apparently she was a member, but her husband wasn’t, so she let us inside
to go teach her husband. He was a 60+ year old, blind, diabetic. They also had
a severely autistic son. Anyways, we taught him about the gospel of Jesus Christ
and he was very interested and receptive and asked many questions. It was a
great lesson. I shared some thoughts in my broken Tagalog. After the closing
prayer, we asked to return another time and he said that would be fine so we
set up a return appointment and talked to him a bit more. He told us he had
about 10 percent vision and that he could only really see light colors, so he
could tell we were wearing white shirts, and could tell that I was white,
ahaha. He said "Amerikano?" and I said "opo!" and then he
looked at me for a while and said "guapo-guapo" or very handsome,
ahaha. It was funny. I tried talking to
their son and he just smiled, he was sweet. anyways, that’s the story!

Now to answer some questions. I will send you pictures of my
apartment don’t worry. We live with one other companionship, both Filipino, so
I hear a lot of Tagalog. But they all do speak English just fine.
Living Room
I love the food here. Lots of rice every meal! They even serve rice at McDonalds and KFC and
every other fast food restaurant. I love the people too! They’re very humble
and hospitable and they love Americans. They love white skin! It’s like the
opposite of here. They use umbrellas everywhere and have skin whitening creams
so they can have "more beautiful" skin.
The kids are really funny too. Whenever I walk by a group of
children they all yell at me in their broken English and call me names like
"Father" and "Policeman" and "Justin Bieber"
All the adults and older children always ask me how tall I
am and when I reply with 6 feet they say ohhhh, do you play basketball? Everyone
loves basketball here, it’s the national sport haha.
There are a lot of animals too! A lot of small bugs, nothing
big, but a lot a lot of stray cats and dogs and even goats. and chickens and
ducks too! A lot of families raise roosters for cock fighting. I guess its
pretty popular.
There are no street laws really, so crossing the street is a
dangerous adventure. There are open air
markets and street venders everywhere also. They don’t really have any copyright
laws either so everything is usually fake. Anyways, I'll send some
pictures now!
Washing Machine
Clothes Dryer
Oh p.s. I love you guys! It’s cool that Sam is playing
soccer and basketball. I'm glad he’s enjoying it. He'll always be a monster
outside shooter. And Ben’s doing great
in cross-country, that’s awesomse! He'll
no doubt be better than me. It makes me happy that I can be a role model for
them, it’s nice to hear that they look up to me. I love and miss them!
I heard about Mom’s reunion. It sounded awesome! She got to
see a whole bunch of old friends and be in high school again haha!
I also love hearing about your missionary experiences. I do
know the Corums actually! The daughter was a cheerleader at Flag High if I’m
not mistaken. Keep working with the missionaries! Working with a member present
is so much more effective than not. We don’t get General Conference here in the
Philippines until next weekend, but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for
telling me what to look out for! I think it’ll be in Enlgish with Tagalog
subtitles, or Taglaog translations but Im not sure.
I love you guys and miss you all a whole lot! Keep being the Lasley's, don’t change too
much, I don’t want to miss anything! I get homesick sometimes, but I'm doing
alright. I miss Maddie too! But we email also and we’re gonna start writing
letters! When she comes over for dinner could you give her the address to write
me letters? I think it’s in my call packet. If not, do you think you could
maybe contact Sister Tye and find out how to send letters to me? Thanks.
I got a letter from Auntie Jen too but I don’t have time to
reply! Tell her and Dylan and Nana and Uncle Ron that I love them and I think
about them too and thanks for being so supportive!
I love you guys, I'll email you in a week!